Crystal Ball Crime Prevention: What You Need To Know About Florida's Tangled Premises Liability Law

Posted on: 22 January 2016

Have you been injured on someone else's residential or commercial property in Florida, due to a crime being committed there? You may be able to sue the owner of the premises for personal injury under Florida's premises liability law. However, when you bring the case to court, you will likely discover that the actual law essentially requires the owners of the premises to be fortune tellers, and the way each judge assesses a property owner's psychic abilities is quite subjective. [Read More]

What Should You Know About Collecting A Personal Injury Judgment After A Car Wreck?

Posted on: 22 December 2015

If you've recently won a personal injury lawsuit against someone who injured you in a car wreck, you may be relieved to finally have vindication against the person who caused your physical and emotional pain. However, in many cases your legal battle may have only just begun. Read on to learn more about the steps you'll need to take to collect on your judgment, as well as what you can do if faced with a recalcitrant defendant. [Read More]

Frequently Asked Questions About Motorcycle Personal Injury Claims

Posted on: 10 December 2015

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, you have likely sustained a number of injuries. If another party had any fault for the accident, you may be able to file a personal injury claim and receive compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, permanent disabilities and lost wages. A motorcycle accident lawyer can help you with such a claim. However, you may have some questions as to whether you can file a claim or not in certain situations. [Read More]

Medical Malpractice: How To Help Your Lawyer Win The War

Posted on: 10 November 2015

Whether due to a diagnosis oversight, the improper use of treatment protocol, or the failure to disclose risks associated with treatments and medications prescribed, you may be eligible to get compensation for specific damages resulting from the negligence of your doctor. After filing a medical malpractice claim with the courts, everything from your pain and suffering to loss of work and medical debt is typically considered compensation. Your malpractice lawyer will take the lead in order to ensure maximum compensation allowance in your case, but there are a few things you can do to participate in the case yourself and help your lawyer achieve their end goals – consider implementing one or more of these ideas: [Read More]